Perky Tails

Be Canine Kind

The Benefits of Chew Toys for Dogs

The Benefits of Chew Toys for Dogs

By Perky Tails

Fun Fact

Did you know that dogs have only two colour cones in their eyes (as opposed to the three in humans). This means that dogs see the world through shades of yellow and blue. Red and green are both popular colours for dog toys and yet your canine companion will only see these in grey. With this in mind, we manufacture our toys using colours that are clearly visible in the canine colour spectrum.


Dogs have been chewing on bones for centuries, its part of their innate biological hardware and can be traced back to their ancestral heritage with wolves. Despite being healthy and natural, chewing is usually considered an unwanted behaviour in dogs, particularly when it’s your new shoes or sofa. Many owners overlook the many benefits that chewing has for dogs (both physical and psychological) for fear of reinforcing that behaviour. Rather than scold and deter chewing, owners are far better redirecting this habit to toys. 

But with so many different types of toys on the market, it can be hard to choose the right ones for your pup. If you’re looking for a toy that will stand up to lots of wear and tear, our flavoured dog bones are a great option. Dogs love anything flavoured, which makes these nylon bones a solid choice. Regular play with chew toys, brings a myriad of benefits that are not immediately obvious:

These include but are not limited to:

  • Promote Dental Health
  • An Outlet for Teething
  • Reduced Anxiety and Stress
  • Less Destructive Chewing
  • Mental Stimulation

Chew Toys Promote Dental Health

Dog owners know that one of the best ways to keep their furry friend’s teeth clean is to provide them with chew toys. Chew toys for dogs are beneficial to oral hygiene because the constant gnawing works to remove plaque and tartar build-up. However, not all chew toys are created equally… For those looking for an extra-special treat, flavoured chews are the way to go.

Infused with various delicious flavourers (which are irresistible to dogs), our nylon bones trigger the release of saliva in dogs. Research suggests that a dog’s saliva has antibacterial properties (which is why they lick their wounds). Because saliva has anti bacterial properties, our nylon dog bones go much further to cleaning a dogs teeth than other chew toys. With regular chewing, you may even find you may even find their breath improving. Just remember that chew toys only intendent to supplement oral health and consult your vet if their teeth and gums are in decline.  

An Outlet for Teething

Puppies go through a teething process just like human babies, and during this time their gums can be very sensitive. Dog chew toys are therefore popular among pet parents for good reason. Teething puppies chomp and chew because their gums and teeth are painful. Gnawing on a bone or other chew toy can help to massage their gums and reduce inflammation. Providing puppy chew toys as an alternative to leather shoes will help ease them through the difficult transition to adult teeth. Remember that puppy teeth are not as strong as adult teeth so it’s important avoid harder chew toys (such as plastic), that are tough on teeth. Nylon bones from Perky Tails are made from durable nylon and although incredibly resistant, are far softer than the plastic alternatives.

Reduced Stress and Anxiety

Dogs are social animals, and they can often get anxious when they’re left alone. This anxiety can manifest itself in destructive behaviours like chewing on furniture or pacing back and forth. Fortunately, there are a number of things that owners can do to help reduce their dog’s anxiety, including providing them with chew toys. Chew toys give dogs something to focus on, and the act of chewing itself can be calming for dogs. This is because chewing helps to produce calming hormones like serotonin and endorphins. Endorphins are a type of neurotransmitter that form part of the brains reward centre. They are released from pituitary gland and hypothalamus, resulting in a sensation of pleasure and in turn a reduction in levels of stress and anxiety.

Mental Stimulation

Anyone who has ever shared their life with a dog knows that they are more than just a loyal companion – they’re also a source of never-ending amusement. From playing fetch to going for walks, there are seemingly endless ways to keep your dog entertained. However, sometimes even the most energetic dog can get bored, especially if they don’t have access to toys or other forms of mental stimulation.

This is where chew toys come in. Dogs love chew toys, and for good reason – they provide mental stimulation that is essential for their overall health and well-being. Chewing is an instinctive behaviour that is deeply rooted in a dog’s biology and genetics. Wild wolves spend hours chewing on bones and kill prey to satisfy their natural urge to gnaw. As dogs have evolved alongside humans, they have retained this instinctual behaviour. However, domestic dogs no longer have the opportunity to satisfy their urges in the wild. That’s where chew toys come in! By giving your dog a bone or chew toy to gnaw on, you are providing them with much-needed mental stimulation. Not only does this help to prevent boredom, but it also helps to relieve stress and can even improve dental health. So next time your dog starts chewing on your favourite pair of shoes, don’t get mad – just grab them a nylon bone and let them go to town!


Chewing is a natural behaviour, and deeply rooted in the genetics of your dog or puppy. Aside from relieving boredom and reducing stress, it’s an essential part of who they are and what makes them dogs. Given its importance, chewing should be encouraged with healthy outlets, such as nylon and rubber. While most chew toys have their benefits, nylon bones from Perky Tails stand out because of our attention to detail in canine psychology.

Designed in shades of yellow and blue, our nylon bones are perfectly coloured to maximise their visual appeal. By providing toys that look attractive to dogs you increase the sensory benefits of playtime and make the most of canine enrichment. Infused with irresistible flavours, they are also intended to trigger saliva, which has antibacterial properties. While this should never be considered an alternative to proper dental care, it can be a convenient way to supplement oral hygiene.